Saturday, July 27, 2013


First things first, my workouts for the last three days were:

Tuesday- Yoga

Wednesday- Walking

Thursday- Outside run, 3.7 miles

My workouts have been a bit more tame lately because my father-in-law was visiting and I had to fit them in where I could. If that meant doing a late night workout after the girls were in bed then that is what I did. I'm not a fan of working out at night. I much prefer an early morning or early afternoon workout. I not only like to workout because of the fitness aspect but I also use it for a mood-enhancer. It seriously helps with my day-to-day stress and helps me to remain patient and happy with my girls. If I can get my workouts done early then I'm set for the rest of the day.

Two nights ago, I was searching for tips on running faster and I came across 10 Trips for Running Faster. Number 9 grabbed my attention. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy yoga. I've completed videos at home and even taken a couple classes at the gym but it isn't my favorite workout because I really like to sweat. It's true. The best kind of workout, in my opinion, is one that leaves me sweating profusely and red in the face. But I would use Yoga after one of my hard workouts as a way to stretch out those worked muscles.

Friday, for the first time ever, I went to an actual Yoga studio and participated in a 90 minute Yoga flow class. I was pleasantly surprised at how much I liked it. It was more intense than anything I had previously tried at home or the gym. I think what surprised me most is that I was actually a little sore afterward. I could feel my muscles shaking in class from holding the poses and I knew that this could be a great way of not only working on flexibility but also strengthening muscles that I'm not used to using. And oh man, did I love stretching out those hip flexors. felt so good!

Below is a list of reasons to do yoga.


So will I go back? Definitely.

I'd also like to try Pilates and Hot Yoga. Maybe one of these times I'll run to the studio first. Now that would be a great workout! Stay tuned!

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