Monday, July 29, 2013

21 Days Down - Almost Half Way There

It was rainy and grey yesterday. It was a pajama-wearing kind of day. I wanted to lounge around all day. But as I was getting ready to put my youngest down for her late morning nap, I knew that if I didn't get my workout in then, I might not get one in at all. Once I finally got a spinning app to work (I was having some major issues with it), and was finishing up the first 5 minutes of warm-up, my youngest woke up. Seriously. I was having that kind of morning. I did, however, manage to get a full spinning workout in after putting my baby in the pack-n-play with some toys. And that, my friends, is why I like to go to the gym for my workouts. 

For dinner, I pulled out some ground turkey and was going to make spaghetti. Then I realized that I didn't have spaghetti sauce or even items needed to make my own sauce. Plan B. Shoot. I didn't have a plan B and I didn't feel like dragging the girls out to the store (because I was showered and back in my pajamas) so I found this recipe for Loaded Turkey Stuffed - Twice Baked Sweet Potatoes. Score! They were awesome! I was a little skeptical since they involved some spice, but oh my goodness, were they tasty. My husband asked if I could put them in the rotation. Heck yes! 

I follow a number of fitness blogs and most of the women are cross-fit athletes. I would love to try cross fit. Have you seen those bodies? Sign me up. If it wasn't for the dang price tag. Why are they so expensive? Anyways, a few of the blogs have been introducing the new Women's Cross Fit Nano 3.0. So far everyone seems to be raving about them. Aren't they cute?


It almost makes me want to do cross fit just for the shoes. While I was at the Reebok website I noticed all the great colors. I love me some colorful workout gear! Why do I never think to look there for workout clothes/shoes? Did you know can design your own shoe? Yeah, I just spent at least 30 minutes designing shoes. 

Sunday, July 28, 2013


Well I did it! I hit my goal! I ran four miles at an 8.00 min/mi pace on the treadmill! Maybe the yoga and stretching out those hip flexors really worked. Or maybe it was all the caffeine in my system from my morning coffee. Whatever it was, it worked! Now if I could just get close to this pace outside, I'd be one happy lady! Maybe that will be my next goal!

I tried out a new recipe this morning for Banana Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Muffins. I had a few extra ripe bananas and have been craving a little chocolate. I saw this recipe and knew that I had to try it. There is no flour or dairy (if you use Almond Milk instead of cow's milk). I had one two as soon as they came out of the oven! Yum! So far they've been a hit all around! Sorry for the picture quality but I had to snap them with my iphone before they were all gone!

Happy Sunday!

Saturday, July 27, 2013


First things first, my workouts for the last three days were:

Tuesday- Yoga

Wednesday- Walking

Thursday- Outside run, 3.7 miles

My workouts have been a bit more tame lately because my father-in-law was visiting and I had to fit them in where I could. If that meant doing a late night workout after the girls were in bed then that is what I did. I'm not a fan of working out at night. I much prefer an early morning or early afternoon workout. I not only like to workout because of the fitness aspect but I also use it for a mood-enhancer. It seriously helps with my day-to-day stress and helps me to remain patient and happy with my girls. If I can get my workouts done early then I'm set for the rest of the day.

Two nights ago, I was searching for tips on running faster and I came across 10 Trips for Running Faster. Number 9 grabbed my attention. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy yoga. I've completed videos at home and even taken a couple classes at the gym but it isn't my favorite workout because I really like to sweat. It's true. The best kind of workout, in my opinion, is one that leaves me sweating profusely and red in the face. But I would use Yoga after one of my hard workouts as a way to stretch out those worked muscles.

Friday, for the first time ever, I went to an actual Yoga studio and participated in a 90 minute Yoga flow class. I was pleasantly surprised at how much I liked it. It was more intense than anything I had previously tried at home or the gym. I think what surprised me most is that I was actually a little sore afterward. I could feel my muscles shaking in class from holding the poses and I knew that this could be a great way of not only working on flexibility but also strengthening muscles that I'm not used to using. And oh man, did I love stretching out those hip flexors. felt so good!

Below is a list of reasons to do yoga.


So will I go back? Definitely.

I'd also like to try Pilates and Hot Yoga. Maybe one of these times I'll run to the studio first. Now that would be a great workout! Stay tuned!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Running Outside

Yesterday morning was a little cooler, it was only 80 degrees, so I decided to go for a run outside. I'm a little sensitive to heat (after passing out one time from getting over-heated) so I wasn't sure how far I was going to run. It was 80 degrees, sunny and humid so I wasn't planning on doing a long run.

I did three miles with an average pace of 8.57 min/mi. My first miles was 9.02 min/mi and my last was an 8.49 min/mi. I was actually pretty pleased with my time. The last time I ran outside (over 2 months ago) my pace was a 9.59 min/mi. Which means I've shaved a minute off my mile in warmer weather! Not too bad! 

Monday, July 22, 2013

Just Stopping By

We have company in town so I'm going to be quick and log my last four workouts.

Thursday- Walking
Friday- Yoga
Saturday- 4 Mile Run, 8 minute 7 second average mile
Sunday - 60 minute Insanity video

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Working on Speed

Yesterday was another jam-packed day. My husband had to go into work for a couple of hours and I thought I'd take the time to sneak in a workout. Of course, by the time I got my youngest down for a nap and my workout gear on he was pulling back into the driveway. I was still able to go to the gym but the hubby wanted Indian food for lunch and asked if I could make my workout quick so we'd be able to make it to the restaurant before they stopped serving lunch. I decided to go for speed rather than distance.

I did three miles at an average pace of 8 minutes 6 seconds per mile. My first mile is always the slowest (I think it was 8 min 41 sec) and then I get faster as I keep going. Which means my last mile is always a sprint. I guess I will have to start out a little quicker if I want to shave some time off my runs but I worry that I won't have enough energy to finish if I do it that way. Anyone else have that problem?

For breakfast I made one of my other morning favorites: baked oatmeal. This recipe for Cinnamon Roll Baked Oatmeal, from Chocolate Covered Katie, is awesome! Sometimes I add blueberries, strawberries, or even mini chocolate chips to it to mix things up. I like to eat it right out of the oven while it is still warm topped with a frosting made up of Greek yogurt, milk and a little powdered sugar.  It is delicious and keeps me full for quite awhile. A win-win in my book!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Heat Wave

Here in Maryland it is hot, hot, HOT! What do you do when it is hot and humid? You stay in your cool air-conditioned home or you take the kids to the pool! We've been hanging at the pool all week. Yesterday, we packed up some lunch and snacks, put the girls in our double stroller and walked to the neighborhood pool. We stayed for a couple hours which is about all we can muster with two little kiddos. It is no longer an all-day event of lounging, reading and taking dips in the water. It is spent chasing around a three-year old who is constantly bouncing back and forth between pools and a one year old who wants to take on swimming and walking but hasn't quite mastered those skills on her own yet. But still, we love it and will be back there again today! This time for pizza with friends!

After swimming, we loaded the girls into the swagger wagon and headed to Sweet Frog for some frozen yogurt. I had the Key Lime Sorbet and it was tart and refreshing. Yum!

I wasn't able to get more of a workout in until after the girls went to sleep. I'm not a fan of late night workouts but I trudged through 45 minutes of Insanity with Shaun T. I love those workouts! They are great for full-body conditioning.

I guess it's time to get in a workout. Especially if pizza is on the menu tonight!

Gotta run!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

5 Mile Run

I really wanted to up my workout yesterday because of Sunday's light activity. I decided to do 5 miles at the gym. It is the first time I've done 5 non-stop miles since before I got pregnant with Colette. I wasn't quite sure how to pace myself for it so I started out a little slower on the first two miles. My overall time was 42 minutes 22 seconds. So an average time of 8 minutes 44 seconds per mile. I burned a total of 617 calories during my run.

I really do enjoy running but like a lot of people I find myself getting bored (especially during longer runs). If you have a similar problem, maybe this will help keep you in the zone:

It's another hot and beautiful day here. The pool is calling my name! Stay cool everybody!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Week One Complete

Well I made it through the first week of my 50 day challenge. Sunday was one of the nicer days we've had lately. Sunny and warm so I went to the pool with my family. We walked to the pool and played with the girls for a couple hours and that was my activity for the day. It wasn't a blood-pumping, exhilarating workout but it I knew there would be days that I would want to focus on family time during this challenge and that was why I added things like walking to my activity list. It was a nice change of pace and gave my body a little rest.

My diet for the week was great...until the weekend. Again, I threw all of that hard work out the window as soon as Friday hit. I think my biggest problem is wanting to play with the husband when he is home. We enjoy having drinks, eating ice cream with the girls, stopping for pizza after a day at the pool, etc. So my goal this week (along with the physical aspects of the challenge) is to keep an eye on what I'm putting in my mouth. It can't be a free for all or I will never lose that last 10 pounds. I may be gaining muscle but it is never going to show if I can't get the body fat down. 

A friend pinned this quote from Jillian Michael's on Pinterest yesterday and it hit close to home. I can do this. I know I can. I just have to find the motivation to get it done. 

I picked up some Chia Seeds this weekend. I've heard so many great things about them and I can't believe I've waited this long to try them. If you've thought about adding these healthy little rock stars to your diet but haven't made the jump, check out some of their health benefits. There are a ton of ways you can incorporate them in your diet. I added them to a jar of overnight oats. I know I'm a little late to the game, but this is my first time trying overnight oats and I'm super excited! Not only do I not only do I love oatmeal but I'm also pretty attracted to the idea of not having to get up and cook breakfast in the morning. I used what I had on hand (Greek strawberry-banana yogurt, fresh blueberries, vanilla, cinnamon, milk and quick oats) for my first jar and it was delicious (although next time I will use a different Greek yogurt since strawberry banana isn't my favorite)! I can't wait to try out some of these recipes found over at BuzzFeed Food. I mean seriously, Strawberry Rhubarb or Coconut-Almond-Cacao? Drooling over here!

What is your favorite way to use Chia Seeds? Have you ever tried out the overnight oats in a jar?

I'm off to go running! Happy Monday!

Saturday, July 13, 2013


My husband has had a few days off so I have been MIA. This post will be short and sweet but I need to stay motivated and accountable.

Here are my workouts for the last 3 days:

Thursday - 40 minutes of spinning and one 8 minute 35 second mile.

Friday - Weightlifting for upper body (arms, chest and shoulders), plus 7 and a half minutes of Ab workout.

Saturday - 60 minute Insanity video.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Delicious Lettuce Wraps

Yesterday, I finished my third workout out of 50 at the gym. I went for a quick run (4 miles, 32.52 seconds) because I was limited in time. I often dream about being able to spend hours at the gym but with two little ones that just isn't an option.

Now on to the good stuff... Dinner! I made the Crock Pot Sesame Honey Chicken recipe found at I've made this meal once or twice before and it is always a hit. I've even passed this little gem along to friends and so far it has been popular with everyone. Try it. Seriously. Last night I used this recipe and put it in lettuce cups with quinoa then topped it with Sriracha and Sesame Seeds. So good.

I'm off to try and get a workout in! Happy Thursday, everyone!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Spinning at Home

Yesterday, I started the day with this yummy breakfast.

I eat peanut butter and banana toast almost every morning. Lately, I've been eating it on rice cakes. I've actually prefer the lightly salty taste and crunch that the rice cake adds. Yum!

My workout was sort of a hodgepodge of different exercises. I started by mowing half the lawn. Yes, only half. It started to rain. And no, I have not finished the other half yet. I am 'that' neighbor. Sigh. Anyways, then I did a 40 minute spin class at home. There is an awesome app called Global Cycle Coach that you can download. It is free but each class that you purchase is $1.99. Once you've paid for a class it is added to your library and you can use it at any time. There are a number of different coaches to choose from as well as levels of expertise from beginner to advanced. I like to add spinning to my weekly workouts as it gives my knees a break. It is a great low impact 40-minute workout. After spinning, I tried to fit in a little yoga, but I didn't get very far before my baby woke up. Below are my calories burned for yesterday.

For dinner, I made one of our favorites: Chicken Parmesean Meatloaf Muffins.  This is another delicious recipe found on the Emily Bites blog that I mentioned yesterday. These little babies are only 147 calories a piece. I had two teamed with broccoli and roasted veggies. It definitely hit the spot!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

One Down, Forty-Nine to Go!

Yesterday was the first day of my 50-day challenge and I spent it at the gym on the treadmill. I ran 4 miles in 32 minutes and 40 seconds. I wasn't able to take a picture of it because I was too busy trying to catch my breath afterwards. It wasn't my fastest run but it was close. Below is a picture from last weeks's run. It may be my best run yet and is now my new goal to beat. 

I've been going for speed lately as opposed to distance. I'm a lot faster on a treadmill than I am outside. For one, I can set my pace and turn it up or down. When running outside you have to deal with varying inclines, wind, heat, etc. I'm a fair-weather runner. It has to be the perfect temperature or I'm inside in an air-conditioned room. I have to start running outside soon though. I'm signed up for Mudfactor in August and I also plan to run the Monster Glow Dash in October. So bare with me while I transition to outside running every once in awhile. It's going to be painful!

Have I mentioned how much I love my Polar Ft4 Women's Heart Rate Monitor? Not only can I keep my heart rate in check but it also helps to keep me motivated during a workout. Below are my calories burned from yesterday's run. 

As for food, I was kind of all over the place yesterday. I had a yummy Chobani Flip for breakfast with coffee. I love the Coco Loco flavor. Coconut and chocolate. Can there be a better combination? Maybe peanut butter and banana, but I'll leave that for tomorrow's post. 

For dinner I tried out the Bubble Up Enchilada Casserole from the Emily Bites blog. If you haven't checked out her blog you should head over there now. Especially if you follow the Weight Watchers plan. She includes Nutritional Info for each recipe along with WW points. I've tried a handful of her recipes and so far every one of them has been a winner and last night's meal was no exception. It was easy and delicious! I  made some guacamole with peppers and cilantro from my own plants to go on the side. The whole meal was a huge success!

Monday, July 8, 2013

50 Day Challenge

It's Monday and man am I sad to say goodbye to the weekend! It was filled to the brim with BBQ's, fireworks, concerts, friends visiting from out of town and a day at the pool. Oh, and did I mention food? Lots and lots of food. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed every minutes (or bite) of it but I am never going to lose that last 10 pounds (10.4 to be exact) if I don't show a little control. My week days are usually pretty good but once the weekend hits it is a free-for-all. I'm not kidding!

I have a family reunion coming up over Labor Day weekend and I've decided to do a 50 day challenge between now and then. My plan is to get some form of exercise every day between now and then. It can be running, weight lifting, yoga, workout videos, walking or even mowing the lawn. I just need to get out and move every day for the next 50 days. I also plan to eat a little healthier.I love the My Fitness Pal app and plan to watch my calorie intake while trying to eliminate a lot of processed junk. I'm not perfect and I don't know if I can ever fully move to a strict Paleo or clean eating diet but I'd like to move in that direction. Everything in moderation my friends.

Just a couple of the things that I'll be using along my journey are the Polar FT4 Women's Heart Rate Monitor Watch and My Fitness Pal. I love both of these handy little helpers and will go into more detail on these in later posts. 

Have you ever done a challenge like this? If so, what were your results? How did you stay motivated?